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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Chicken Scratch

(posted by weekend guest poultry Charlie Chicken…)

Aloha, humans an fellow bird-brains!

Ole Charlie is wringin’ every lass moment outta tha season, even if it is just over freezin’ out here!


Hey, why can’t I feel my knuckles anymore??


I really should be wearin’ a pluckin’ parka, like Mrs. That Dan Dude has been doin’ , the lass few days. Tha snow may notta lasted too long, but it is pretty cluckin’ cold out here…

Hey, is my beak turnin’ blue??


I may hafta hunt aroun tha basement, see if I can find that feather wreath – I could pluck myself a new winter coat. Or at least sit on it…

Hey, I can see my breath!! No wait, tha’s my smoke…

I should lick that railin’ here, see if my tongue sticks!!

Ha Ha Ha!!

Mmmuhhh!! AAAAA!!!!!! MGAD M TNGUE!!!


(Cluck fer now – better get some hot water…)


Mrs That Dan Guy said...

Hope yur tongue gets unstuck ya crazy ol bird!
(Hmm, then again, if it didn't, we might be spared Charlie's ornery, fowl-mouthed words for a while..hmm)

Cha said...




Cha said...
