thatdanguy's podcast

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Saturday, September 08, 2012

Chicken Scratch

(posted by weekend guest blogger Charlie Chicken...)

Ahhh...hello hoomans...SHHHH!!!

Keep it quiet willya.

We gotta keeps things on tha Q-T - apparently this cluckin' city is gettin' Draconian regardin' ma kind...


Frankly, fer a cowboy town, I kin hardly baleev that city council wud git sew obstructive ta birds that should be home on tha range. Ah kin only hope we band tagether ta appeal this Randy Travisty a justice!!!!


Fer now tho, ah had better keep a low profile - like under tha sofa, or behind a talkin' chair.

Chicks, ole Charlie misses ya, an hopes ta git in touch soon - please desist frum pesterin' me on ma sell phone until I gave ya tha thumbs up.

If I had a thumb, so ta speak...


Until then, I will hafta survive on cable TV, and whatever beer I kin find here - care packages can be sent ta tha usual address...

Cluck fer now!!


Mrs. That Dan Guy said...

Knock, knock
Who's there?
A chicken in the house! What?!
Call the city officials, rounding up those pathetic poultries who defy the ban!
Oh, Charlie! Come out, come out, wherever you are!

Suzanne said...

Charlie, ya slay me, really you do!

Charlie Chicken said...

No habla Anglais!!

Me name-o es Bingo, le dog-o!!!

Charlie Chicken said...

No slay-o!!!

No slay-o!!!