Chicken Scratch
(posted by weekend guest blogger, Charlie Chicken…)
Yessir, boyz an gurlz – ole Charlie’s givin’ ya a peek at how these collectible gems is composed each week – on my approtriatley-sized computer. An the floatin’ back-up one.
Yessir, every Saturday mornin’ I crawl outta my coop, brush what passes for my teeth, and grabba cuppa coffee. Then I boot up the ole hard drive, and go to my focus zone, where I come up with tha topics I write about every week.
Or, I steal ideas from Entertainment Tonight…
Who knows what will come out, on any given weekend mornin’? Will I confess to bein’ the mystery, as-yet unnamed fourteenth affair for Tiger? Will I be caught on tape without any underwear on? Was I the tattoo artist that decorated Bombshell McGee??
I’m a bird of many mysteries…
Like, where the pluck is my other sock?????????
Oh well, barefoot today, I supposes….
As ya might be able ta de-deuces, I ain’t really got a topic taday. Chalk that up ta a few fingers a tequila lass nite. Truth beak told, I almost feel like I got curly hair this mornin’. I ain’t feelin’ my prettiest.
More coffee…
Thas tha ticket…more coffee…
I’m a bird of many mysteries???? More like a very mysterious (a.k.a. weird) bird! (Much like your human owner)
1-small mexican dog...
2-nerf arrows only
3-apple cheerios?..
4-don't forgrt to baste...
5-peas great with partridge pear bake...
6-been on one not that much fun...
7-425 four hours
Poultry 'a Palpitatin' Possibilities - thas me!!
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