It was somewhat the best of years, and in some ways, the worst year. Of everything we soaked in this year, it will be remembered most here in the “Such Is Life” household as “The Year Of The Beatles”. Our brushes with Lennon & McCartney were unforgettable.
Most years, we settle in to watch the good old “Dick Clark’s Rockin’ New Year’s Eve” broadcast. After our first-ever visit to NYC this year, we’ll be ignoring the overly perky braying of Ryan Seacrest to spot sights we saw during that trip. We are both now entirely in love with New York City. Especially since someone had the foresight to open a Tim Horton’s right in Times Square…
Highlights of the year? Well, the aforementioned Beatles, my big birthday surprise to start the year, not only seeing Bob Newhart live in concert, but getting to meet and give him a column I wrote about him, NYC, Ventura California where we caught up with old friends, and met new ones…actually, there are too many highlights to try recalling. Scroll through the archives here to find out more.
Here’s looking forward to 2010!
Happy New Year, everyone!!
Chow for now…