thatdanguy's podcast

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Thursday, February 07, 2008

Hi folks!

Spuddy here, to offer some counter-points to what Cranky Magoo was griping about yesterday, disparaging my potato brothers and sisters…

First off, how do you like my new hammock? Mr. Anti-Potato gave it to me yesterday, so maybe he isn’t just a big, hairless jerk after all!

Now, let’s set the record straight by saying potatoes are one of the most versatile products you’ll ever see! We’ve been loved for centuries, especially by the Irish. Why, there are some places where we are even worshipped! That’s right, worshipped. Mash that, ya big lug!!!

Now, for one thing, potatoes are almost as ethnically diverse as humans. You’ve got white potatoes, red potatoes…well, maybe that’s about it, but we aren’t one-dimensional, like carrots. Would you eat a white carrot? I didn’t think so…

For another thing, potatoes are one of the world’s favourite side dishes. You can have us baked, boiled, scalloped, mashed, and even whipped. Ooooh…hee hee…whipped. How naughty!!

The point is, rather than painting us all with the same “they’re lumpy and have too many eyes” brush, Captain Crankypants should be celebrating our diversity. We’re one of the world’s favourite side dishes.

Did I already say that??

Well, all I wanted to do was set the record straight. It must have worked, because I just got word that The Potato Griper has just drawn a nice warm bath for me. Perfect timing too, my eyes are just throbbing today!!

Potatoes Rock!!!!!!

(Editor's Note: Chow for now…chow for later…)

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