thatdanguy's podcast

thatdanguy's podcast
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Friday, August 24, 2007

I see that we’re a little bit behind on our TV viewing. Gene Simmons’ “Family Jewels” in particular.

We caught the season finale last night, on a recording.

What a hoot! Still one of my favorite shows on TV, but I also eat peanut butter 365 days a year – that may be impairing my judgment just a shade…

At any rate, in this season’s ender, Gene and his wacky clan had to go to Las Vegas for a wedding. Enter my man Carrot Top (and again, bear in mind the liberal amounts of peanut butter clogging my brain pores). Hello, hilarity!!

Hmmm. Carrot Top…Las Vegas…Luxor…

Just sayin’…..

At any rate, and there’s no reason whatsoever to assume this didn’t really happen, Mr. Simmons somehow managed to glue a 12” “back massager” to the palm of his hand, while fiddling around with one of Carrot Top’s gags. The episode was classic comedy – even Laurel & Hardy would have been impressed.

Well, maybe a bit offended as well, but you have to be impressed by a Krazy-glued “back massager” as it spent the next day with Gene and his family.

I’m being really vague here in case you as well may have had to wait to watch the episode. You won’t be disappointed – it is FUNNY!

However, now that I’ve built it up, you’ll have to seek it out and watch it yourself. Me, I’ve got a pair of toast with peanut butter slathered liberally onto that I need to address.

To my mouth!!!

Chow for now!!

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