thatdanguy's podcast

thatdanguy's podcast
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Monday, October 29, 2007

Somehow, my profile picture has magically returned. This is indeed witchcraft…

I’ve noticed the past few weeks that there aren’t many grasshoppers around right now. Which begs the question – do grasshoppers hibernate?

Hey, could we have a bunch of sleeping grasshoppers in our back yard, at this very moment? I may need to grab a flashlight, and check that possibility out, after I wrap this up.

I know that bears hibernate, for sure. But what about plus-sized crickets? I’m not exactly what you’d classify as a “wild life” expert, but I’m now rather curious to know what happens to hoppers of grass, once the grass is covered in snow.

Not that we really have all that much snow anymore, but it WAS covered in snow for awhile – the grass that is.

Hmmm. Rereading my post so far this morning, hoppers may not be the only things on grass at any given time…Who comes up with these topics???

Oh yeah, I do.

Wattaya gonna do?

Chow for now!

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