“Two Pianos, 4 Hands”
By Ted Dykstra & Richard Greenblatt
The Sunday Morning “Somebody-Asked-Me-To, So-Here-I-Go” Review: Stage
As dinner theatre goes, the latest Stage West Calgary production ramps things up a notch – which isn’t meant to disparage previous productions in any way. It’s just that when you typically see popular Broadway hits and other musical productions founded on pop music soundtracks staged there – well, a play built around classical music just seems to give the whole thing a more refined framework.
“Two Pianos Four Hands” traces the journey of a pair of young men pursuing dreams of becoming concert classical pianists, and along the way pokes fun at the hours of practice, the diversions, and the likely chance that neither will see their dreams come true – in a relatable manner that most anyone who’s endured music lessons can relate to.
You’d think that unless you’ve gone down this specific path yourself, the production might seem unlikely to engage viewers. But the storyline does succeed in illuminating the audience on the daunting commitment a career path like this would require, plus the stellar and polished performances of the two gentlemen starring in the show are a pleasure to enjoy. Patrick Burwell and Tom Frey juggle multiple mini-roles while predominantly appearing as aspiring concert pianists Richard and Ted – and there aren’t many moments when one or both pianos onstage aren’t filling the theatre with songs you know instantly, even if you aren’t necessarily a fan of classical music.
The musical performances are impeccable, the humour is plentiful, and you really can’t help but feel what the two go through on the road towards their dream.
Now, I wish I could share more, but I’ve got to save my best nuggets for the official Calgary Herald review, for which you should stop back over the next few days and I’ll have posted a link here. I also had the chance to sit down after the show with Patrick and Tom, so I’ll also have an audio link to the interview that I can direct you to.
“Two Pianos Four Hands” is playing now, at Stage West Calgary.
Chow for now!!
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