Chicken Scratch
(posted by weekend guest blogger Charlie Chicken…)
Bonjoor, maize ameeze!!
Chef Charles here theeze morneen – to ayd-uh you in pree-parring zee tastiest brunch eh-vair!!
(Eef I could only ree-membar whar I put my hare-nat…)
So, to bee-gan, wee must furst find a deep bowul, and a fine, stur-dee splatula. Zen, we add zee secret ingredients, as discreetly pictured in zee background. Varry impourtant to follow dee-rekshuns…
Once you have comb-ined zee ingredients wiz zee eau (what-err), roll zee leetle dee-lites into small bee-squits, and place zem unto zee oven tray. Zen…well, zen you put zat into zee oh-van!!
(Keep a fiy-ure axe-tingusher handee…)
Once zee timer ring-a-ding-dings, zee bisquicks arrr red-ee. Eat, mange! Enjoy!
Until next time….
Cluck fer now!!
Oh Charlie, I love your biscuits!
Oh my!!
Settle down, Toots....
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