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Saturday, August 08, 2009

Chicken Scratch


Hello, my flesh-covered amigos – ole Charlie is just getting’ ready for his annual bath – sumthin’ I ain’t so fond of, truth be told.


I know, hi-Gene’s a pretty important thing, but have ya ever had to walk around with wet feathers? Clean or not, it ain’t pretty…


Every year about this time, I hold my nose, and just go ahead with this bathin’ thing. Far as I’m concerned, I smell pretty good, as far as a piece of poultry is concerned. I’d be more worried if I wuz a perpetual gas-bag, like El Bald-O that shares our space here – that clown oughta try havin’ more fiber with his pinto bean breakfast burritos!


Hey, I see that the sun has decided ta stop by an’ visit, after 4 weeks of gloom and preciped-ation. Maybe I don’t HAVE to drip-dry after all!


Alright, let’s get this over with…cluckin’ water and soap – a bird could catch his death a cold with all this tom-foolery…

Cluck for now!!

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