thatdanguy's podcast

thatdanguy's podcast
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Thursday, March 19, 2009

If there is one consistency in our lives, here in the Such Is Life household, it is that following a vacation either myself or Mrs. That Dan Guy will get a brutal cold. This time around, it was myself. Starting off as a dry cough on the last day of our holidays, it became obvious that I wasn’t allergic to poker chips by the time we got on the plane home. By yesterday, my chest had become congested, and my nose was running like a Kenyan marathoner.

Now, unlike MTDG when she gets sick, I am a pillar of strength when stricken with ill health. I remain upbeat and positive, knowing that this bug will just have to pass through in its own time, whilst I bravely fight off the unpleasant effects. I did pruently cancel a few obligations for yesterday and today, so as not to test any other pillars out in the community...

Of course, I have also (simply as a defensive measure to keep MTDG happy) undertaken a minor self-treatment regimen, which includes (but is hardly limited to) the manufacturer’s recommended three-day dosage of COLD-FX, Benylin All-In-One Cold & Flu Medication, Neo-Citron Lemon Mix, Tylenol, Midol, whiskey, jelly beans, and liberal eye of newt, whenever I pass through the kitchen.

I know what you’re thinking – this guy is a rock, how does he do it?

I have a deep well of inner strength to draw from. And flannel pyjamas to crawl back into bed in…

Chow for now!!


Anonymous said...

Wrong! That's not what I was thinking...
More like: Stubborn, pig-headed! Mr That Dan Guy wont just sit and rest! And, he shouts out the word "immunity" while doing something he knows I would normally give him a "what for" for! But, knowing he is sick, and claiming random "immunity", he knows I feel more sorry for him then anything, so "immunity" wins...ONLY in the Such As Life Household!

Anonymous said...

For the record a certain sibling of yours can be quoted on the record as saying that they are "SO F***ING JEALOUS" of you and your adventures with Aaron Neville.

Anonymous said...

oh what the rest of us would give to have your strength and pillarness

Anonymous said...

try chicken soup

ThatDanGuy said...

MTDG - I loves me my immunity!!

ThatDanGuy said...

Anonymouse (I should have signed in as Cat Dan Guy) - which one?


ThatDanGuy said...

Anonymous - if only I could bottle that - "Pillar To Go"!!!

Anonymous said...

Col. Sanders,

How about a Kentucky Fried Colonel, ya goateed carnivore!!