thatdanguy's podcast

thatdanguy's podcast
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Monday, August 04, 2008

The one thing I have to give to Windows Vista, is that there is never a dull moment on the computing platform. If it isn’t some old, otherwise reliable program (ironically, often Windows-based) malfunctioning, there are the frequent occasions where Vista attempts to resolve problems where there are none apparent.

Today, we got going a little later than usual. In our defence, it is a holiday here in Canada, maybe even in other parts of the world. When we finally had finished breakfast, and watched a bit of renovator “Holmes On Homes”, I fired up my reliably uncertain computer, and prepared to blog.

However, yet another piece of hardware/software/medium-well-ware needed upgrading or repair. Now, a delightfully slow 25 minutes later, I am able to begin my blog. For Tuesday, Aug 5th….


A bit of drama in the Such is Life backyard this morning. While we were still comfortably ensconced in our bed, refusing to greet the day, Mrs. That Dan Guy heard some chattering outside, and leapt out to see what was going on. She was alarmed to discover a magpie consuming something on our patio, and I can guarantee it wasn’t a fresh orange or mango…

She ran downstairs, and chased the bird out of the yard. Once we perform the autopsy, we’ll let you know what the magpie was occupied with.

Bloody rude start to the day, I say…

Chow for now!!

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