thatdanguy's podcast

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

The 2008 “Visit From My Parents” continues…

Yesterday, Day Two – a third casino. That leaves four to go, so we are somewhat ahead of schedule.

There is some talk of taking a break from casinos today, but that could just be the lack of oxygen from our proximity to the Rocky Mountains.

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, we did indeed drive past many other Calgary landmarks in our travels. I was able to point out the sprawling Calgary Zoo, and the TWO Wal-Marts that our own neighbourhood features. I know, TWO!! We are so blessed…

The casino gods did not favour anyone in our party yesterday, as we all essentially contributed to the various charities that Casino Calgary supports. Which, all things considered is entirely admirable, but we would have appreciated a chance to donate on our own, with proceeds from at least one measly little jackpot. I’m starting to think those slot machines are fitted to the house’s advantage…

Aside from visiting the four corners of Cowtown, we do manage to squeeze in a few other activities as well. Last night, for example, offered the season finales of both Criminal Minds, and CSI: New York, so it’s not like we’re simply involved in trivial pursuits.

Hey, that wouldn’t be a bad name for a board game…

Chow for now!!

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