No, this isn’t some Photoshop trick. That is indeed my scalp you are gazing at. I’ve got less hair than Charlie!!
It was an unintentional gaze into my future though. I may not have much left on top, but what was once there was infinitely better than this!! I’m smoother than my own bottom!!
What happened was sort-of an innocent mistake. My last stylist relocated, and I went in the other day for a little trim. The new stylist asked if her predecessor trimmed the top short, and (being a clueless male) I said yeah, I think so.
Here’s where the problem gets compounded. I take my glasses off for a haircut, and without glasses, I can’t see past the length of my extended arm. So, what the stylist was doing didn’t seem at all out of the ordinary.
Little did I know...
At any rate, when she was done and I put my glasses back on, I looked into the mirror and saw someone my Dad’s age. No, that’s wrong. Even my Dad still has more hair than this.
Even an egg has more hair than this…
That’s what you get when you continually write columns about having no hair – a self-fulfilling prophecy!!
Oh well. It will grow back. Until then, I’ve got a terrific selection of baseball caps to try out.
Chow for now!