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Thursday, May 03, 2007

Tentative Schedule, Day Three - "Bringing Sexy Back"

(Note: Even though Mrs. That Dan Guy and I are both under the weather today, I am forced by the weight of this ongoing endeavor to stick to my schedule)
Once my headache is gone, I will fuel my body with some form of healthy breakfast food (OK, who am I kidding - Fruit Loops), and begin my exercise regimen. As this is Thursday, that will consist of taking the garbage out to the curbside. That will be followed by arm curls, as I lift several more cups of coffee into my system...
Late Morning:
Tuck MTDG into bed for a nap, to help her fight her cold. After that, I am testing several new muscle shirts, for maximum "sexy factor". While allowing maximum bicep exposure, they should at least TRY to mimimize love handles, and adorable little pot belly....
Later Morning:
Stretching exercises, to appear natural in public when striking impromptu "sexy" poses. These could include, but are not limited to pretending to yawn (while expanding freshly shaved pecs), bending over to pick up dropped coin (remember those new, tighter jeans I mentioned the other day?), and spontaneous Jumping Jacks.
Grilled cheese and peanut butter sandwiches. A carrot.
Experiment with various body oils, for maximum "glisten" factor. Hoping the one with Aloe Vera will soothe this blasted itching on my shaven chest...
Later Afternoon:
Choose which favorite Rihanna songs I'll use for my Aerobics tape.
Late, Late Afternoon:
Left-over KFC, but I'll eat it while standing on a scale, to ensure I don't exceed my target weight for the day.
Relax, until it all starts over again tomorrow.
Chow for now!!

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