Stage West Calgary
"The Wedding Singer"
Sept 4 - Nov 8
Courtesy Stage West Calgary |
Stage West Calgary Presents
"The Wedding Singer"
(based on the New Line Cinema film)
And there you have it - the latest season at Stage West Calgary opens, and explodes off the stage in their uproarious presentation of the Broadway production based on Adam Sandler's comedy hit film "The Wedding Singer".
Filled with vastly likeable and talented actors, there is never a dull moment in this love story that overcomes the odds!
As always, I have to hold back content here for my upcoming (official) Calgary Herald review, but in this preview review, I suppose I will set the tone for what is to come there - mainly a glowing endorsement for audiences to get on over to the facility and settle in for the ride.
It's the most fun you'll have in a seat!
Courtesy Stage West Calgary |
Bringing back some familiar faces, and introducing some new talent to SWC audiences, "The Wedding Singer" tackles a typical Hollywood love story - I'm not giving anything away by saying all's well that ends well, love will find a way, true love wins - you know the drill...
The winning combination for this show is the exceptional writing, exciting choreography, and a chance for almost every member of this well-cast group of actors to either solicit a laugh, or steal a scene.
As likeable as both lead actors are (Elicia MacKenzie, Aidan Desalaiz - they are both way beyond likeable, really), they are constantly getting upstaged by supporting roles that have been fleshed out for maximum effect by this book's dialogue and comic situations.
A petite powerhouse, a lady-adverse keyboard player, a big lug with a mullet, an ex-girlfriend with big hair and a bigger voice - there's just so much to like about this comic take on relationships set in New Jersey in 1985. If you've seen the movie, you'll have a general idea of the story, but this production is almost even sweeter than the source material - directly smoothly and surely by regular contributor to Stage West Timothy French.
Courtesy Stage West Calgary |
Well, I had better wrap this recap up - I've got my newspaper review to write. I will name names. I will provide even more incentive for you to go see this show.
I will give it a hearty 5 out of 5 stars...
Link to be posted here when that is ready for your viewing pleasure - this show is already ready for that.