After years of often daily attempts at humour and virtually any stray thought I could snare on my keyboard, I'm changing the name of this space from Such Is Life, to May I Present:. That should still allow me to post on a wide variety of topics, but steer the focus for readers to my most common writing efforts now, on Folk, Roots, Blues & Americana music! Check out my entertainment writing site @
Friday, March 31, 2006
Woke up this morning (Sopranos??), and for the first time in weeks, my head wasn't feeling like it was about the size of a Chevette. This is good. Change is good, donkey...
Sure, I'm still plugged up, but with the aid of a few boxes of Kleenex, that should be easily resolved.
My wife has departed bright and early today, for her bright and early dentist appointment. She must have let me sleep in, sweetheart that she is. We'll have some breakfast when she gets back.
Man, this blog is just non-stop action and adventure, ain't it???? Who needs primetime CSI when you can click into this jibber any time of day?
OK, I should probably go up and get ready to greet the day, so I apologize for leaving you hanging, but there should be more of these fine sharing moments tomorrow. Check back!!
Chow for now...
Thursday, March 30, 2006
I don't know why, but lately whenever I get a cold, it likes to linger for weeks. Oh, I can experiment with different over-the-counter medications all I want, but these bugs are determined, and congregate all over in that space between my ears, even down to the tip of my runny nose.
I can sympathize with my wife (and her occasional hot flash), as a wave of dizziness makes my recliner look even more inviting than it does any week day after 6:00 pm...
Yesterday I visited out local pharmacy for advice, as I do have to be careful, being a diabetic with high-ish blood pressure. Most cold medicine is like ingesting a firecracker for me, with the short term benefits nowhere near the possible long-term damage. So, often I must suffer in silence, or here in this blog. Lucky you...
Well, I need to blow my nose yet again, so see you next time!!
Chow for now.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
It would appear that I have gotten into a more rational routine with these bloggy things, looking at the clock right now. No more 3:00 AM ramblings, unless I get affected by one of my bouts of insomnia, and remember to go online.
Back home now, I can get to this task anytime throughout the day, but I suppose it may be better if I did try to get the task done bright and early, so that I don't forget.
Quite a learning curve here in Bloggerland. I managed to update my profile somewhat, but still have to slip in a photo, although as you go back through the archives, there have been a few peppered sproadically. Somedays, I even check on spelling.
Today I'm getting the oil changed on my car. I know, be still my gentle heart. Between that and having to get a replacement flashlight for our spare bedroom, I may have to get my blood pressure checked, what with the heightened excitement levels of all that.
Not sure about what else to impress you with (and I'm still not even sure that I may not be the only one here...), so I will bid you a fond adieu, and get back to this tomorrow.
Chow for now!!
It would appear that I have gotten into a more rational routine with these bloggy things, looking at the clock right now. No more 3:00 AM ramblings, unless I get affected by one of my bouts of insomnia, and remember to go online.
Back home now, I can get to this task anytime throughout the day, but I suppose it may be better if I did try to get the task done bright and early, so that I don't forget.
Quite a learning curve here in Bloggerland. I managed to update my profile somewhat, but still have to slip in a photo, although as you go back through the archives, there have been a few peppered sproadically. Somedays, I even check on spelling.
Today I'm getting the oil changed on my car. I know, be still my gentle heart. Between that and having to get a replacement flashlight for our spare bedroom, I may have to get my blood pressure checked, what with the heightened excitement levels of all that.
Not sure about what else to impress you with (and I'm still not even sure that I may not the only one here...), so I will bid you a fond adieu, and get back to this tomorrow.
Chow for now!!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
After several ungodly early-morning posts, I finally slept in today, our first night back home. Still have the brutal cold that followed me to Dayton, but there may be some light at the end of the tunnel. I am still seeing spots however, so I can't rely on the light really being much of anything.
You know, I really should visit some sites in this here, to see what other people write about. I may be missing the boat entirely. I only realized today that I can change the settings, and allow people to e-mail me, or comment on this....meandering... So, now I have, and if anyone cares to, they can. I'll be right here, waiting.
No no, don't feel rushed. Take your time, read a few old postings - I've got all kinds of time, and I only hit "refresh" every 3-4 minutes, which is plenty of time for a person to type out a skinny little e-mail.
I also recognize that I've mentioned here that this blog is supposed to replace three long-hand pages of writing a day, and at 3-4 paragraphs each time, that may seem a little short of the mark. You would be correct, and I hope to amend that as time permits, now that I am back from my travels. I never meant for readers to assume that I wrote in big block letters, and a few stick figure illustrations to fill 3 pages, but that would be a quick way to do that writing exercise.
Anyway, better get ready to greet the day. More tomorrow.
Chow for now!!
Monday, March 27, 2006
Thanks to a wonderfully aggressive cold (that has decided to stick around and visit for about a week) I am having a little trouble sleeping these days, so here I am, dead of night, blogging. I am possibly about as lucid as a ping-pong paddle...
Still, it does allow me to get this task out of the way plenty bright and early, as we'll be spending most of the day traveling back home, again with a lovely and liberal amount of post-nasal drip. My Kleenex collection could provide ample special effect fluids for Ghostbusters 3.
Well, rather than continue this lovely little blithering this morning, I had better sniffle my way over to the United Airlines site, and confirm our flight...
Chow for now!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Well, I've come to do these babblings early morning, when I first get up. That just wasn't possible today, as we changed rooms at our hotel for a third (and final) time this morning. Started playing Musical Rooms just after midnight, but now we are back in the very room we started out in. Go figure...
Wow. That's about all I have to say about the incredible experience that has been the 2006 Erma Bombeck Writer's Workshop. If you're a humor writer, or even a general interest columnist, you have got to attend one of these functions. Top-notch all the way, with a panel of presenters beyond belief!!
But funny thing, the experts are actually a small part of the big picture. It's the other attendees that really make the conference unforgettable. My wife and I made several new friends in this short weekend event, and the power of enthusiasm just multiplies between everyone in the room. I was as inspired chatting with some of these other writers as I was with the courses I attended. I haven't even had a chance yet to check out the discussion group, or the many blogs that have resulted fron this experience.
Will I return? Is it too early to sign up for 2008??????
Chow for now!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
So sad. After several jam-packed days, this year's conference ends tonight, but not until after one more full day of break-out sessions, and two more keynote speakers, plus a night of stand-up comedy involving brave fellow attendees. What a riot!!
After dinner last night, we were treated to the wold-premiere of Erma Bombeck - A Legacy Of Laughter (or something like that...). This will air over the coming weeks on PBS, but what a treat to see it along with her surviving family (husband, sons & daughter).
After the screening, the family memebers had a round-table, answering questions and sharing memories of Erma. Some kind of night, let me tell ya......
Well, I'm off to my workshops for today, but at least I continue this unbroken streak of blogs, short as they may be.
Chow for now!!
Friday, March 24, 2006

Dave Barry is still the coolest cat out there, retired or not...
What a thrill for me as a humor columnist to see Dave Barry live yesterday, as the keynote speaker for the Erma Bombeck Writer's Workshop!!
If you recognize his picture, that gentle, easy-going demeanor is exactly what you get, along with one of the funniest speakers you'll ever come across. Over the course of an hour he charmed and wowed the crowd with tales of his writing career, and tips for others like myself.
After the presentation, he signed books and posed for pictures for well over an hour, friendly and funny all the way through. Even after he had long lost his sight thanks to hundreds of flashbulbs popping before his eyes.
Better run, I slept in a little today, and I've got a full day of break-out sessions to attend.
Chow for now!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
What a day yesterday, on the tv news stations.
My wife and I were sitting in a little bar having a late dinner, and suddenly the whole place came alive, thanks to a wild car chase in the Anaheim area. This guy was inventive - blazing into clear spaces the average driver couldn't do at regular speeds.
At one point, even the staff from the bar's kitchen had come out to watch the pursuit. Maybe it's just me, but if someone runs amok like that, and endangers lives, why can't they just equip the helicopters tracking the moron with handy bazookas, for when there's a clear shot?? The vehicle is insured, isn't it??
On a related note, and pretty much at the same time, a far-smarter coyote in Central Park was leading authorities on a similar chase, but with no threat to innocent civilians. After a pretty entertaining run, including a swim, he was tranquilized, and will be relocated to the wild. I've got far more sympathy for the coyote...
Chow for now!!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Hi all (or just me...). Today I just want to make a comment on those darn consecutive numbers and such, that so many people see. For me,the numbers are often 11:11,or 1:11. If you do a Google search, there are some awfully wacky theories surrounding the phenomena. I choose to believe there's some kind of good fortune or luck associated with it myself, but I'm nuttier than a fruitbat at the best of times, so I certainly wouldn't rely on my opinion.
I only bring this up because yesterday my wife and I caught a flight to Dayton, Flight # 1234!! And, we were right beside another gate in Chicago's O'Hare airport, that was showing Flight #1111. Way to freaky....
And, for anyone out there that cares, I am struggling with a brutal cold, just what you need when you're on a trip. Not that I'm complaining (hack hack....wheeze....sniff sniff...).
Anyway, better get running. It's been fun, but:
Chow for now!!!
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
Wow! Who knew this blogging thing was so easy? Four days in a row, and even though looking back at what has come before today it becomes painfully apparent that nothing makes any sense at all in these postings, isn't that the point anyway?
I don't know about where you may be right at this moment, but from where I'm sitting, it's a beautiful sunny day. For those of you in colder climates, you have my extreme and heartfelt sympathy. I feel guilty as Hell to be sitting on my deck in shorts and a t-shirt...
So, on that note, I believe the first day of spring is actually right around the corner, and not a minute too soon. In Kelowna, the winter has been a harsh and unforgiving -5 Celsius at times, barely safe to leave the home without the protection of a portable body warming device. I look forward to the soothing temperatures of summer...
Hey, how about this new season of The Sopranos? Exciting stuff so far, as Tony hovers between life and death. Not sure what I'm going to do when the series finally winds up this year, but maybe I'll replace it with some handy new skill, like juggling or macrame.
Well, that's probably enough goofiness for this time out. Keep it short and sweet, I figure. Until next time,
Chow for now!!
Sunday, March 19, 2006
(or just me, hard to know right now...)
Well, so far so good. Three days, three blogs - I am on fire! And, the second one is considerably longer than the first one, so I have no fear (yet) of mental constipation. Questionable mental capacity maybe, but constipation certainly not.
The biggest question right now for me is what to include in these daily blatherings. I had originally intended these posting would replace "Morning Papers", a daily writing exercise involving three long-hand written pages, but both prior blogs are nowhere near three hand-written pages long. So, perhaps I just have to go where the muse takes me, so to speak, and and stay as long as I feel. If you've arrived here from my website ( this is certainly a great way to see fresh new stuff every day. Or crap, but you'll have to be the judge...
Am I OK to write about family here, or will they ready their legal teams to smite me as I type? Should I confess to my deepest, darkest secrets, like how much I prefer briefs to boxers? Should I use this space as a soapbox, to preach to the world about how awesome those new upside-down ketchup bottles are??
Time will tell. For now, I'm just happy to have put in one more appearance, right after the last one. Baby steps...
With apologies to the Italian community,
Chow for now.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Well, yesterday was a bit of a frustrating day, as I did a complete overhaul of my website. First time in two years, so more than a little embarassing. Of course I may have been a little gunshy after the last time, when I lost my entire site!!
Now I'm pretty sure that it's up and running, and about as current as an amateur like me can make it. Sure, it may not have fancy features like a design template newer than 1987, but it seems to get the message across, and that's all I can ask. One day I really do need to read that Front Page manual...
Thus begins my new life as a former Realtor, now wading into the uncharted waters of becoming a full-time writer. Not even one that can rely on some sort of income stream, like a features writer, or other such logical choice. No, my intent is to write humor, and humor alone. I've stockpiled several cases of Kraft dinner, and hope to be able to survive until at least April, May the latest. If nothing else, this will jumpstart my dieting program...
Actually, a writer just needs to write, and this blog alone is two consecutive days of doing just that, so I'm feeling pretty darn good right now.
More to come!! Chow for now...
Friday, March 17, 2006
Such Is Life

Hey, my first blog. How bizarre, yet entirely cool at the same time.
I'm hoping this little exercise takes the place of a daily writing exercise from Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way", called Morning Papers. That involves writing 3 pages of long-hand, free-flow thoughts first thing every morning, to cleanse your mental palate, and allow fresh input. To be honest, I've never, ever done them in the morning, but typically have been consistent over the years, if done throughout the day.
So, this blog may be the brave new direction for that, and even though I have no idea about abbreviations and other such blogging lingo, I look forward to saving a multitude of forests from my 3-page a day habit.
More to come!!