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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Chicken Scratch

(posted by weekend guest blogger Charlie Chicken…)


Wut a cluckin’ balancin’ act!! How do hoomans wear these stupid sun glasses??


The sun wuz shinin’ fer about 10 minutes today, so I rifled through a few drawers here in tha coop, and dug out these shades. While they do look dashin’ on me, I can’t seem ta keep the pluckin’ things on my beakage very well! It’s like a cluckin’ see-saw!


Mebbe I need a smaller pair? Or mebbe there should be some arms or sumthin’ – a coupla stabilizers that fit on tha side a my noggin?

Mr. Monopoly duz this with just one! Why can’t I make it work with two lenses?? Mebbe my beak ain’t level enuff?

I don’t dare sneeze!!


Hey, speakin’ a nuttin’ in particular, is the new Rock Band “Glee” edition out yet? With these funky shades, I could really groove ta a few cool cover tunes, a la those nerds on that TV show.

I wonder if that version comes with cheerleader costumes????

Cheeky wee poultries…


Cluck fer now, ya feather-deprived hair-wearers!!


Mrs That Dan Guy said...

Oh you crazy bird! Charlie, you are too cool, crazy, wacky, but cool!
You remind me of some other crazy human? Hmm?

ThatDanGuy said...

Hey, have you see my clip-on sunglasses anywhere???