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Sunday, July 04, 2010

Chicken Scratch

(posted by weekend guest blogger Charlie Chicken…)

Howdy, humans!

Top a tha morn ta ya!!


Jus readin’ my Sunday funnies (I already red the terrific Stage West review from yesterday…scroll down if ya missed it…) – Ijust looove that wacky ole Garfield!


Some days it just takes a bit longer to get goin’ in tha mornin’ – which is why I cherish the cartoons sections. When my beak is kinda droopy, or my pinfeathers needs a bit more recreational relaxin’ – the funnies gimme that break in my day – even if I did technically just roll outta bed a few minutes ago…


Sheesh! When is that spinny Archie ever gonna choose between those two chicks he’s hot for?? Although, he could just move ta Utah, and has his cake plus heat it too… That’s what we do anyhoo in the “wild kingdom”.


Moldy Feather Pluckers! How long can Dagwood possibly run that gag about 3-foot high sandwiches?? If I wuz Blondie, I’d be checkin’ out some online datin’ services – this guy ain’t got much depth…

Well, it’s been fun, but some a these cartoons got real small print, and I needsta focus. Literally.

Cluck fer now!!

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