thatdanguy's podcast

thatdanguy's podcast
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Monday, January 07, 2013


I suggested to Mrs. That Dan Guy somewhere around 3:00 AM this morning that I am nocturnal, as an explanation for being up most of the night.

She laughed her fool head off - and so now I must try to find evidence to support that theory.

I do tend to suffer from a bit of insomnia, but that is due mostly to my brain, which operates best in the wee hours of the morning.

Hey, maybe my brain is nocturnal!?!?

You know, I had better surf the Googler for this sort of thing - I may be part of history's great nocturnal brain brotherhood!!

Yes, I must go find out more - this is .... is .... suddenly ...  very  .... sleepy...


(chow for now...)


Mrs. That Dan Guy said...

Another Monday starts out with little to no sleep the night before. Super.

Nocturnal? Ha! I will remind you of that tonight when I look over to see you asleep in your chair at 8pm. And I dont think your brain is nocturnal, just twisted!

Suzanne said...

Nocturnal? Whoooo are you kidding? Mrs. TDG, it is not his brain that is twisted; it is his head. Whoooo....

Don't even bat an eye at this one, Mrs. This too will pass.

ThatDanGuy said...

I am like the...uhh...the owl? There must be other nocturnal animals, but that's all I can think of right now...



ThatDanGuy said...

Then how do you explain my pointy ears, and big round eyes??