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Monday, September 17, 2012

Chicken Scratch

(posted by weekend guest blogger Charlie Chicken, delayed due to more pressing posts...)



Oh ma gawd, buddy - wut happened heer? How did yez cum ta this fate?? Wut Medusa tirned ya ta stone??

And who tha cluck stuck that stick up....


This iz juss horrafryin' ! A fellow berd cut down in that prime a hiz life, and terned inta a lamp??

What will become uv me if a evah let ma vigilants down?? I could become a cookie jar??


Uv course, becoming a bronzed god might make sum sense, but ah'd prefer if it was a bust or proper stat-choo, NOT mah skin an bones....

Life. So cruel. So harpless....

Cluck fer now...


Mrs. That Dan Guy said...

Aw, c'mon Charlie. You would make a GREAT cookie jar! Oh Charlie, come out, come out, wherever you are.

ThatDanGuy said...

Good luck with that!

They don't call them "chicken" by accident...