thatdanguy's podcast

thatdanguy's podcast
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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Road Trip!!

I’m off later today to Toronto, the large city in Canada that didn’t have a hockey riot. And coming along for the trip, “Miracle on The Ridge” - my trusty Macbook. This will be the first time I get to test many of the functions outside of the home.

You know, I used to go into a Starbucks, and look at all the scholarly folks inside working away industriously on their Apple computers. I longed to be one of them, and even grew a soul patch in anticipation of the day I might once be fortunate enough to join their ranks.

Well, now I have, and the upside (along with the wonder that is the Mac world) is that my soul patch ended up being an irresistible “amour” magnet for Mrs. That Dan Guy. Never have I see her react as she has to this slightly askew strip of chin hair of mine. What an animal!!

At any rate, I intend to test a number of mobile computing options on this short trip, while I also participate in the future direction of The Canadian Diabetes Association.

Stay tuned campers - as you know, I like to over-promise, and under-deliver!!

Or however that phrase goes...

Chow for now!!

(Oh yeah, Happy Father's Day!!)


Suzanne said...

Have fun in TO!

Mrs That Dan Guy said...

Well Soul Patch man, I must allow you to remember things from your slightly askew perspective. Keep your imagination Soul Man!

ThatDanGuy said...

I shall (heck, I am....)

ThatDanGuy said...

I'm a Soul do do do dooo...


Oooh la la!!