thatdanguy's podcast

thatdanguy's podcast
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Sunday, June 05, 2011

Hey, I’m starting to work on reloading my main website (finally).
I’ve been playing around with several site builders, and hosts, but I just happened to spot something while working on “Miracle On The Ridge”, as I like to refer to this wonderful, amazing, astonishing, life-altering, Mrs.-That-Dan-Guy-Hates-It Macbook.
Apple has something called iWeb (of COURSE it does!) - a built-in website builder. 
Aye Caramba!!
Just started playing around, let me know what you think of where this is going:
Is it too busy? Too distracting? Too wonderful for words??
Depending on initial reactions, I will finally get back up and running, with the shining, guiding hand of Apple. 
I am just not worthy....
Chow for now!!


Suzanne said...

Ooooh! Looking good, MTDG. Long-awaited glory found.

Mrs That Dan Guy said...

I love it! Ya ya I know the miracles of Mac.....sigh...who ever thought one would have to endure so much about a fruit! It was enough when it simply kept the doctor away!

Suzanne said...

Mrs. TDG you are too funny!

ThatDanGuy said...

It would just be nice to get it back up and running, after much confusion - that goes for dealing with site providers as well...

ThatDanGuy said...

An APPLE a day conquered ROME!!!

ThatDanGuy said...

She has fruit envy, I think. Is that what rickets is??