thatdanguy's podcast

thatdanguy's podcast
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Wednesday, January 06, 2010

You know what I dislike? Light, lazy snow. The kind that can’t make up its flipping mind – either it has to fall, or quit falling, but it does neither – falling and stopping at random intervals.

You can go out and shovel, and minutes later, there is more all over the driveway and sidewalk. Not lots, but enough that you feel you have to go back out AGAIN, and shovel the blasted thing one more time.

Until you get back in the house, peel off your long underwear, settle in with a nice hot chocolate…then glance outside and see that it has snowed lightly AGAIN!!

Not a lot, but enough that you feel that you have to go back out yet AGAIN, just to clear the skiff on the concrete.

But this time, you don’t. You just sit in front of the living room window, and glare at it, with a burning ferociousness. It won’t melt, but it still feels good.

And then, you go back out to shovel one last time. Until it snows again straightaway afterwards…

This is when you Google homes in Hawaii. Or Brazil.

Chow for now!!


Mrs That Dan Guy said...

You know what I dislike? Someone who, despite growing up with winter (meaning snow!), STILL can't get over snow?! Seriously dude!

That Dan Guy's Niece said...

You know, she has you on that. At least shovelling isn't in your job description.

ThatDanGuy said...

It's just so bloody white, and cold...

ThatDanGuy said...

I'm buying MTDG a new shovel for Ukrainian Christmas...