thatdanguy's podcast

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Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Not Enough Time In The Day...

Man, back when all I did was freelance writing, it was a HELL of a lot easier making deadlines...

Well, can't complain - my calendar is filling up like a senior with a weak bladder on a long bus trip these days, and I just have to try and manage best as I can.

I've got two interviews this coming weekend for the upcoming Stage West show, a museum review I haven't even started, and much more in the pipeline. I've also got a handful of articles I'm pitching around, plus book proposals going out, book reviews and author interviews. Maybe I need to learn how to focus, instead of utilizing the dog-looking-out-the-window-at-squirrels technique??

My day job is also getting hectic, so that is chewing up a lot of time I could have been checking some of those projects off my list.

Wattaya gonna do? A good problem to have I imagine, and all you can do is try to keep juggling without letting one of the bowling balls fall and konk you on the head - although that might be a good way for one of those projects to get my IMMEDIATE attention...

Chow for now!


Mrs. That Dan Guy said...

Time-management, a tricky thing indeed. I will get a whip and start getting you to move it! And hey, are you calling ME a senior?

ThatDanGuy said...

Oh my!

gg said...

Oh Dear!

ThatDanGuy said...

