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Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Money, It’s So...Papery....

Last night, I volunteered for the Canadian Diabetes Association at a local casino. Pretty much a full-time person’s shift, from 6 PM to 3AM. One does get to be a little sketchy after about 1 AM when one typically goes to bed at a reasonable hour, but in my role for the evening as General Manager, I did retain a few scattered thoughts:

* In the counting room, with banks of money sorting machines humming busily away, and strong boxes of paper money being emptied onto a table for distribution to the workers, I imagines this must have been what a jovial evening around Al Capone’s basement must have been like...

* Cameras in every square millimetre of the facility, which would make a Hilton or Kardashian quite at home, inspired me to make finger puppets, just to give the security something to see out of the ordinary...

* Zombies are more animated than slot players at 2:30 AM...

* A gentleman muttering about droping a $500 chip on his way to the cashier’s cage shrugged and said “oh well”. A FIVE HUNDRED dollar chip!! I would have had bloodhounds, Search & Rescue, and a geiger counter employed trying to find one of those...

So much more, but I have to run...

Chow for now!!


Mrs That Dan Guy said...

Ya a late night for Mr. And than a deer runs out right in front of your car! Woa! Hey, did you know you posted this at 11:01? Whooha!

ThatDanGuy said...

Plus rabbits! Forgot those wascally wabbits!!