thatdanguy's podcast

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Monday, February 05, 2007

Curse you, Super Bowl!!!

(Imagine an angry fist, shaking at the name or spirit of that annual TV institution)

Thanks to you, Super Bowl, all my regular TV programs were sent into "repeat' mode yesterday. No new "Grease - You're The One That I Want". No new "whatever else is on on a Sunday night". Just football, on every freakin' channel imaginable.

Well, it sure seemed that way...

OK, so we did end up watching about an hour of your broadcast, even hoped for a bit that "da Bears" would stage a 4th quarter comeback, but alas, it was not meant to be. However, thanks to the modern-day technological miracle of time-shift channels, we were able to enjoy the American broadcast, with all the terrific American commercials. I'll atone this week by watching CTV or something, and find out what Tim Horton's is offering Canadian viewers...

Chow for now!!

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