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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Chicken Scratch

(posted by Chiquita..)

Cluck me on a chopstick!

I mighta bean a pluckin’ banana, inna nuther life!!


When did I get yeller jaundice, and get so cluckin’….yellow? Ya’d need a flippin’ magnifrying glass ta tell which one a this bunch is me!!!


What in the name of my droopy ole comb is this all about??? Duz I needsta be scared a monkey??

Wut a revoltin’ development…


Well, I guess it coulda been worse – I coulda looked like a bunch a grapes!

Wunnerful – my Fruita da Loons moment!!!

Cluck fer now…


Mrs That Dan Guy said...

Charlie, you are one pale banana! Ya cluckin crazy chicken!
(more like a loon of the loon moment if you ask me!)

ThatDanGuy said...

this space is for the birds!