thatdanguy's podcast

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Chicken Scratch

How revoltin’…

My fragile cluckin’ dignity…


So kids, here’s the drill – if ya go onna fishin’ trip, make sure ya don’t stand up ta pee, unless ya gots good equal Librium. Otherwise, ya mite fine yerself getting’ hauled outta tha drink like I wuz…


Personally, I think Cornelius rocked the boat on purpose, cause it felt like the goddam Poseidon Adventure before I hurtled overboard, cigarette twirling off one way – a robust spray of liquid waste tha other…


I didn’t bother lookin’ for my smoke after THAT…

Luckily, while Corny wuz grapplin’ with how to work his feeble chicken brain, a coupla other fishermen happened by, an’ they pulled me out ta safety. With any luck, my pinfeathers will dry sometime this month.


From now on, if we getta cravin’ for fish in the house, it’ll be from that pluckin’ Highliner dude…

Cluck for now!!

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