thatdanguy's podcast

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Saturday, September 06, 2008

Chicken Scratch

Happy Morning, human friends…

Cornelius here today, as Charlie has gone low-profile this morning. Hen Rietta is still looking for him. He wouldn’t even confide, in me – his wing-man – where he has cloistered himself away. His comb was extremely frazzled-looking when he beat it out of here...


So, as you may be able to tell from my photographic image today, summer may be nearing an end. The mornings here now are a delightful blend of dismal overcast, and beak-biting cold. The perpetual stereotype of Canada as a rooster-forsaken wasteland, buried under mounds of snow must have been born on days just like today.

And it’s not even really fall yet…


So, as we all seem to have lost our feathers around this here coop, I am taking some preventive measures, so as not to freeze my gentles off. I hope that’s not an offensive word – isn’t that a common way to describe your most vulnerable poultry parts??


I almost expect to see snow any day now. Yesterday afternoon, as that big balding human that lives here was preparing to go pick up his wife, it was so overcast outside it looked like the dead of night. It looked like Charlie’s soul.

You’re probably thinking – aren’t the ear muffs a bit of overkill? Do chickens even have ears?

What?? Huh?? Sorry, I can’t hear you…

Har Har Har Har!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh my, I’m quite the little comedian! Last Chicken Standing!!

Cluck for now!!

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