thatdanguy's podcast

thatdanguy's podcast
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Monday, November 12, 2007

Whewhoo! Late start to today’s edition. Humble apologies, we’re just taking a really lazy long weekend.

As a matter of fact, we haven’t gotten out of our p-jammies since Saturday morning. Completely dishevelled and unshaven, and I look even worse than her!!

As a matter of fact, even the dog has taken to passing us with a wide circle of avoidance.

Note to self: find out whose dog that is…

We’ll have to come to life at some point. I should have been working on stuff this weekend, and Mrs. That Dan Guy had originally planned to go into the office for a while. Looks like Cheezies and chocolate-covered almonds for brunch instead!!!

Interestingly enough, no solicitors knocking on the door, or telemarketers pestering us either, which is a pretty good long weekend, if I do say so myself.

Hey, I wonder if we missed The Price Is Right? We really shouldn’t have slept in so late.

And we really should have let that dog out earlier…

Note to self: Did we get a dog? I don’t remember getting a dog…

Well, what’s done is done. We’re up pretty much at the crack of noon, and the whole…um…afternoon is our oyster. Now we just have to shuck it.

That’s not a bad idea, after all.

Just shuck it…

Chow for now!!

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