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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Chicken Scratch

(posted by weekend guest blogger, Charlie Chicken...)

One a ma shadows iz sad :-(

How cume I gots too shadows anyhow??

Cluck fer now...


Mrs That Dan Guy said...

I think the one shadow is the devil in you Charles! Although the sad shadow did kind of pull at my heart strings. Damn you Charlie, damn you!

ThatDanGuy said...

How did he do that? What magic is this?


Mrs That Dan Guy said...

Oh man, let's leave that Magnifico out of this shall we? Groan! But, seriously, how DOES Charlie have 2 shadows? And 2 different shadows? Freaky! (kind of fitting for a "freaky chicken" dont you think?)

ThatDanGuy said...

The greatest magician, ever" - David Copperfield

"Magnifico inspired me to greatness" - Harry Houdini

"He rocked my world, Magnifico" - Chubby Bob