Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Back To Normal - at least partly...

Today marks my first day back to my regular weekly routine - preparing to head off to my day job for the first time in 10 days!

I've got some amazing memories from the columnist conference I attended, as well as Hartford itself, and the surrounding communities we visited. From that, I have a couple of video interviews to edit and post, and some columns to write and submit. Plus I need to (rapidly) get up to speed on what I've missed at work during my absence here.

I am also anxious to hear what I may have missed with regards to the historic flood in Calgary that was literally cresting as our plane took off for Connecticut. The images online and on TV indicate just how destructive it was - makes me proud to be a volunteer leader, seeing how volunteers rose to help out as quickly as the flood waters covered the city. It will be interesting just trying to drive into our downtown...

Gotta run!



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy11:56 AM

    Yes, back to normal, but a new normal in Calgary and Southern Alberta. Unbelievable the destruction that mother nature saw fit to bestow upon these areas. I can't believe the beautiful Calgary Zoo has been so badly damaged, closed now for many months to come, the Stampede has had to cancel all the big shows as the Saddledome will take far too much work and time to repair and High River, Alberta, my God. The people though and our Mayor have been absolutely incredible. Calgary Stampede 1O1, Come Hell or High Water! Yahoo!

  2. And still it continues....
