Monday, July 01, 2013

Back Home Again #nsnc13

Exhausted. Invigorated.

Two sides of my coin as I awoke this morning back home in my own bed after the amazing NSNC13 conference in Hartford. A huge hand for all involved in putting that exceptional event together!

Despite a couple of terrific pics online now with me photo-bombing legendary humorists Dave Barry and Alan Zweibel, I did also happen to catch a couple of formal shots, happily. The duo were just one highlight of many over the official few days of the conference, but without a doubt the most outstanding memory for me will be networking with some of the most gifted, talented writers in North America. As a peer, no less! Thank God no one checked what I submitted for my bio too carefully....

The knowledge I took away, along with one hotel hand towel to protect my City Steam Brewery Cafe mug, will be invaluable moving forward. Yes, so much of it I already know, but the reminders will allow me to readjust my focus, and maybe take my writing to the level that so many of my esteemed colleagues have brought their own to - among them Pulitzer Prize winners, national award winners, and as celebrated Saturday night, NSNC award winners.



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:28 AM

    Great pics Mr.! I have to say the photo-bombing one is pretty darn good too, ha! A great finish to the trip. It was a long haul coming back with 1 1/2 hours sleep only and a whole bloody day of flying, but after sleeping in our own bed for a long time, today feels fantastic!

  2. Indeed - to all you said :-)
