Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Where Are They Now: Jiminy Cricket...

I wonder what Jiminy Cricket is doing these days?? In a world of Snookis and Kardashians, I imagine his goody-two-shoes conscience routine lacks an audience.

Is he spending his time in seedy bars, nursing no-name gin and singing "When You Wish Upon A Star" to no one in particular??

Does his top hat and umbrella lie somewhere in a motel room, filled with holes and laden with dust? Did he pawn his spats to buy a can of Spam??

Or has he remained relevant to Boomers, reinforcing good behaviour and the benefits of doing what's right for their fellow Boomers?

Does he have a gambling problem, or struggle with cricket erectile dysfunction?

Was he swallowed by a bird while suntanning??


Just curious....



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy11:58 AM

    Oh shoot! Now I am sad for Jiminy Cricket! I choose to believe his top hat and umbrella are shiny and clean and he is suntanning somewhere in a hot spot!

  2. Yeah, yeah - that's the ticket....
