Saturday, August 28, 2010

Chicken Scratch

(posted by weekend guest pest…ummm…I mean weekend guest “blogger”, Charlie Chicken.)

Suds me up, Barber Bob! I gots poultry bumps that need ta be smoothed over!!


Ya know, friendly humans, when ya pluck yerself clean onna regular basis, the lacka feathers can kinda make all yer imperfractions sumwut unsightly. Every lump and bump is on display, fer the common masses. As you may guess – it ain’t always pretty…


Sure, with MY fizique, I can pull off the denuded look – with classic lines like mine, a bird can still be worth two in the bush, if ya know what I mean.

If ya do, lemme know – I’m not sure that made sense even ta me…


So, once my weekly chitter-chatter is done here, I gotta run tha razer - keep my poultry bumps smooth ta tha touch, for any touchy-feely birds at tha bar tonite!

Now, where d’ya think Lunkhead mighta packed the bandages, during this relocation????

Cluck fer now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy12:22 AM

    Oh brother! A chicken and his poultry bumps, really!
    Pigs will fly the day them poultry bumps of yours become smooth Charlie!

  2. He is less than suave, our resident bird...
