Sunday, August 29, 2010

I’ve taken great pains here recently to avoid griping about the weather – and just yesterday I took those very same pains, and tried throwing them into the fireplace, to heat the friggin’ house up….

Alberta is one of the few places in the world that summer forgot to visit this year. We had one day of warm weather, timed perfectly for when we were moving. Sweat is a delightful lubricant for aching old joints scrambling to move heavy weights, although smelly movers is not such a desirable thing to contend with, in cramped quarters.

Now, with that day of summer a fond memory, evening temperatures are plunging below a level comfortable for keeping Jack Frost away. Pretty soon I expect we’ll see our first snowfall of the year.

And we wanted to stay here why???

Bah, humbug!!!

Chow for now….

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