Sunday, January 11, 2009

January 11th. 1 11.

Are there any numerologists, or astrologists out there, that might be able to enlighten me on the relevance of 1 11, 11:11, 12:34 and such??? I swear, those numbery things are just about everywhere I look…

Of course, it could all settle down after I’m finally able to purchase the Mac computer serial # 1111 1234 5678 90…

Hey, we finally got around to watching the Academy Award-winning film from last year, “Juno” last night. There’s loads of Canada ties and Canadian talent involved in that movie, so when it appeared on one of our many cable movie stations, we recorded it to watch. Which we did last night – what, did you drift away or something??

At any rate, yet another delightful movie. We could easily understand why it not only won the award(s) that it did, but also why it was also a commercial success. The young actress in the starring role did a splendid job as the title character, a quirky young mom-to-be. Well, not to give anything away, but the plot is really all about her giving way the baby, so maybe that description isn’t completely accurate.

Regardless, if you haven’t seen this flick, try finding it. It shouldn’t be too hard, especially here in Canada – you see the DVD everywhere. But please, make sure you read the title correctly. You want to buy or rent “Juno”, NOT “Juneau”, which features a quirky young polar bear mom-to-be, which was not an Academy Award winning film.

Or "Juno Awards", which are the Canadian equivalent of The Grammies...

Chow for now!!

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