Saturday, January 10, 2009

Chicken Scratch

Well, hello there, you handsome humans…

Hen Rietta here today – I finally managed to get some computer time away from that grumpy old reprobate Charles. He’s nursing a hangover anyway, so allow me to share a few thoughts with you today…


It is entirely possible that I am the only person in this household that has made a New Year’s resolution. And that resolution is…TO BECOME A FAMOUS WRITER!!

Hey, if other delusional dumb-heads here think they can pull it off, why not me??


So, you may think that I hope to become a poet. You simplistic, sexist pigeon-holer!! Just because I’m a woman, you think the only writing I could possibly be capable of is poetry???

Far from it. I intend on writing fiction, full, book-length fiction, with an eye to big-screen adaptation. What genre, you ask??

Why, Chick Lit, of course!!


Here’s a small sample, from a piece I’ve just started, tentatively entitled “The Perfect Man”:

Arthur was standing on the stoop of my brownstone when I opened the door, flowers in hand, and obviously freshly showered. His warm, gentle smile belied the naughty thoughts that were coursing through his mind, as he timed exactly how long it would take to tenderly ravage me after dinner…”

C-C-C-C-CLUCK! (mercy…)

There’s more, but you’ll have to pay the piper if you want to enjoy the music.

Cluck for now!!

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