Friday, January 09, 2009

Today’s Agenda:

1) Continue to (slowly) wake up. Shake off grogginess.

2) Have first cup of coffee – crucial component of waking strategy. Brain computes caffeine with stimulation.

3) Watch BT (Breakfast TV) – local show that doesn’t clutter your waking brain with too much news. Lots of brain-pleasing fluff, bright and shiny…

4) Listen to Mrs. That Dan Guy scamper animatedly around the house, as she bustles through her own morning rituals. MTDG clearly has too much energy for this ungodly time of day. NOTE: check to see what SHE puts in her morning coffee.

5) Finally get around to having a cookie or two, to begin stimulation of dopey brain cells. Realize that much of my mornings revolve around “stimulation”. Can that be a good thing??

6) Finish first cup of coffee, begin slow, groggy ascension upstairs to post blog, so as to bring joy to my legions of fan(s). Invariably, this daily contribution to cyberspace is the linchpin of my creative day. Although sometimes I do doodle on napkins.

7) Shave, shower, other “s” things – drive MTDG to work. As per usual, stop on the way home to enjoy a cup of tea or latte with other creative types (kills time before “The Price Is Right” airs).

8) Watch “The Price Is Right”. Turns out Drew Carey isn’t such a bad host after all. Bob Barker must be happy, wherever he is golfing and chasing squirrels…

9) OPTIONAL: Watch “The Young & The Restless”. With the glacial speed of the plotlines, today may be a “skip day”, although Fridays often feature a cliffhanger.

10) 30 minute nap, before lunch. To keep my wits sharp.

11) Lunch – something nutritious, and healthy, but also stimulating enough to add a bit more “stimulation” to my day.

12) Wash down plate of dry soda crackers with soda pop, before sneaking in ice cream bar I happened to find while stopping earlier at the mall for tea or latte. Set wrapper aside to drive to remote garbage can, so as not to have apparent when MTDG inspects the cans at home. God bless her, she does look after my best interests…

13) Organize my writing tasks for the day, but get briefly (half an hour) distracted by some TV judge show – I really should have shut that damn TV off before I broke for lunch.

14) Once writing has been organized, I get down to business, with the steely resolve that I am known for. There are four computer games I play each day before I begin writing, and I will play each of those games until I have won each at least once.

15) Take short break – by now it is typically 3:30 PM, and I have to start winding my way down, before I begin to make my way back into town to pick up MTDG. Plus, I have to set the video recorder for the evening’s TV broadcasts.

16) Reflect briefly as I drive in to pick up my beloved, on how fast a work day seems to fly by. You just don’t seem to have enough hours in the day, I swear…

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Oh brother! Very funny Mister!

  2. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Just think how fast the day would fly by if you had a bright new shiny sexy mac in the house.

  3. If (when) I had a Mac, I would savour every moment - I would arise before the crack of dawn, and spend as much time as humanly possible with Big Mac. I would work late into the evening, feverishly refusing meals and rest.

    If (when) I had a Mac, I would be complete...

  4. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Keep it up boys, it taint workin!

  5. Much like TDG, apparently...
