Monday, January 12, 2009


Morning has broken.

Broken may be a bit of an overreaction, I suppose. It has (Morning) at the very least arrived. It does seem to be a bit bruised – perhaps Morning was playing some sort of rough sporting game or something. Or perhaps Morning took an accidental trip down a flight of stairs. How am I supposed to know? I am hardly Morning’s keeper.

I’m barely my own keeper…

Mrs. That Dan Guy and I tuned in to the Golden Globes broadcast last night – a generally well-run affair. Many of the award winners were ones that we had been rooting for, except for poor Brad Pitt – his delightful “Curious Case Of Benjamin Button” continued to be ignored by award voters. Don’t let that stop you from running out to see it though – the movie is truly terrific.

I note that the big winner of the past two award shows, Slumdog Millionaire has dropped entirely OFF of the Top 10 movie rankings, after riding the #10 position almost since opening. I must admit, from previews it does look pretty good as well.

Maybe if I didn’t have so much to worry about (Morning arriving all disheveled), I could investigate this movie a bit further, and determine if we’ll see it in the theatres, or wait until it hits the TV movie networks.

For now, I gotta go find some liniment. Morning is moaning like a big wuss…

Chow for now!!

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