Tuesday, September 02, 2008

School’s back in today, boys and girls! Here are a few phrases that may come in handy, over the coming days and weeks:

-“The dog ate my homework. He also ate my will to compete on a scholastic level…”
-“But Mom, I’m allergic to peanut butter and sardines…”
-“The capital of Manitoba is Winnipeg.”
-“But Mr. Wursterburger, Oprah says young children shouldn’t HAVE to excel at team sports…”
-“My bologna has a first name, it’s O-S-C-A-R…”
-“Trade my baseball cards for hockey cards? What are you, Canadian??”
-“Mr. Mercutio, your toupee is migrating south for the winter…”-“How do you spell farm? Um…E-I-E-I-O??? (Acknowledgment: old joke, stolen by blogger – Hey, it’s six in the freakin’ mornin’ – for cryin’ out loud…)
-“Miss Issippi, may I go to the bathroom, please?” (No joke here – just a reminder to ask for permission first)
-“Hey, the gum I put under my desk last year is still chewy!!”

Chow for now!!

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