Wednesday, September 03, 2008

I don’t know how it feels where you live, but fall seems to have stepped right up to the plate here, replacing what passed for a pathetic and anemic summer. The nights are already shorter, the sun stays in bed longer in the morning, and yesterday morning, I had to scrape frost off the windshield of our car, to drive Mrs. That Dan Guy to work. The only thing missing I figure is reindeer prints on the lawn…

At any rate, at least all is not lost. You can still get a round of golf in, if the rain stays away. And to tie that in with today’s online column, you should try and be healthier than I am (or recommend), if you really want to enjoy your brisk walk on the links:

On another note, I recently bought a Shania Twain CD, which isn’t something I do every day of the week. I figured that with her recent marital problems, she might be starting to feel the pinch financially, so I picked up an old CD to help her with the day-to-day cash flow.

Shania, you’re welcome!!

Chow for now!!

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