Monday, September 01, 2008


Goodbye, bookend month (08 –Blank-08)

Hello, boring ole 09 01 08…


* - Even though this is traditionally the last weekend of the summer, here it just feels like the cold claw of winter is stopping by for a visit. We’ve had to turn on our gas fireplace, lest our taps and pipes freeze. Mrs. That Dan Guy is wearing her fashionable pink long johns, with a heavy woollen throw tossed over her shoulders. Her bunny slippers have changed from summer brown, to winter white.

I think she may also be sitting on some hot toast…

* - As we have done for as long as we can remember, we are watching the Labor Day Jerry Lewis Telethon. Nothing says Labor Day like Jerry Lewis…

* - Finally, after watching a bit of the news coverage from New Orleans this morning, we can only hope that that latest blasted hurricane peters out, before all the ongoing recovery efforts are washed away.

Chow for now!!

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