Monday, March 31, 2008

Something else I would probably tend not to include in a homemade hamburger? Blue Cheese. Who the heck ever thought that blue cheese might be something to try tasting? Ewww!!

I can’t even stand the salad dressing version if I’m walking by it at a salad bar…

OK, that was artistic licence back there. While I can confirm that blue cheese salad dressing in fact exists, I can’t really say the same thing about a salad bar – although I have read about them…

I guess if I thought really hard about it, I probably wouldn’t be too interested in adding cocoa to a hamburger. I like cocoa, but I would probably restrict that delight to a cup accompanied by boiling water. I guess you could dunk a hamburger into a cup of cocoa…

Some other random items (in no particular order) which I would not care to include in a hamburger:



Canned Ham

Ostrich Knuckles

A copy of “Huckleberry Finn”

Shingling Tar


Kraft Dinner


Again, this is hardly a definitive collection of ingredients, but should you ever decide to invite us over for a barbeque, kindly have this list in your possession for reference.

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Okay, two days of what not to include in a hamburger and I have to ask. What on earth did someone give you Saturday night that got you this riled up about hamburgers?

    Oh, and for the record...I refuse to eat cherry hamburgers. I draw the line at mixing fruits into my ground up meat. I've heard they're very good, but I can't do it. No way, no how.

  2. Cherry hamburgers! What sort of evil mind comes up with an idea like THAT???

    In defense of my hamburger ravings, some mornings there's just not very much available from between the ears for these postings...

    Hey, our most current excursion begins today, so once we return, I will check out that site you recommended a short while back.
