Sunday, March 30, 2008

I enjoy my hamburgers. I’d even go so far as to say that hamburgers just might be the very best meal in the whole wide world.

However, there are ingredients I just can’t see adding into the average hamburger sandwich. For example – peanut butter. I also love my peanut butter. But I don’t think I’d ever want a bacon double peanut butter cheeseburger. Blech…

Also something I’d probably not choose to insert into a cheeseburger: popcorn. Maybe on the side would be fine, but definitely not between the buns.

It would probably be a healthy addition to a burger, but I think I would choose not to push sour little crab apples into my Big Mac…

Hmmm. I really thought there would be a lot more food choices I would not be comfortable adding into a hamburger, but now I seem to be drawing blanks.

Any thoughts???

Chow for now!

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