Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Today, we are officially suspending “Things-I-Wouldn’t-Put-In-A-Hamburger Week”, here at Such Is Life, due to overwhelming item choices, and reader feedback. While it was fun to determine the many products I would NOT insert into a hamburger, ultimately the choices were surprisingly numerous.

So, we move on. Everyday is a learning curve in the Such Is Life household, and one never knows (especially Mrs. That Dan Guy!) what is around the corner, on any given morning when it comes to these blog postings.

With that in mind, I am pleased to announce “Things-I-Wouldn’t-Put-In-A-Hot-Dog Week”!!

Ha Ha!!

Just kidding!

THAT would be crazy… I’ve got so many other pressing concerns – such as ensuring my mongoose importation documents are in order, rattlesnake patrols around the general property boundaries, monitoring my Chicken Cams to stay on top of poultry proceedings around this place – why, I’ve almost got a full time job just in everyday household maintenance!!

Although, I can say with relative certainty that I would probably NOT want to include peanut butter on my hot dogs…

Chow for now!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:17 AM

    And I have a full time job just in everyday household maintenance of my sanity!
    Between you and them chickens.....
