Monday, April 30, 2007

Seems like we just don't have our fingers on the pulse of North American TV viewing habits...

Just about every show that Mrs. That Dan Guy & I enjoy either gets cancelled, or ends. Among the biggest of those - The Sopranos. Just a handful of new episodes left, then it takes a long walk on a short pier. Cement shoes. Goes for a boat ride with Tony, to swim with the fishes...

A few other newer shows we were watching have already been yanked. Now it would appear that a few more are getting the hook, at the end of this current season.

We don't watch a ton of TV, and we try to stay away from the overly-popular programs, so that may have something to do with our disappointment. I mean, why enjoy something with real actors and well-written scripts, when you can immerse yourself for an hour in some drivel about an imaginary "bachelor", and the boobs that are battling to be his babe? Makes Green Acres look like award-winning TV, in comparison...

We've already confessed to one guilty pleasure - Gene Simmons' Family Jewels. The guy makes for good TV, what can I say?? I'd rather watch this guy do his over-the-top shtick any day of the week, than most other crap on the tube.

Just sayin'...

Chow for now!!

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