Sunday, April 29, 2007

To add some variety to all the live concerts we tend to attend, Mrs. That Dan Guy & I went to a movie the other night. We decided to check out "Wild Hogs", with John Travolta, Tim Allen, Martin Lawrence, and William H Macy. Yessir, it was a Disney movie, no doubt about that!!

First thing you should know, there are no wild hogs at all in the movie. Nor domestic ones. Not even a cute little pot-bellied piggie. You won't even find "this little piggie cried wee wee wee all the way home"...

No, the "hog" reference in this flick is a play on words, as all those actors ride motorcycles! Get it?

OK, so with that bit of knowledge, you are better prepared to enjoy the show.

No review, just that little bit of advice. We both thought it was funny. "Wild Hogs 2" is already in development.

Now, if you wanted to ge see "Hogs Gone Wild - Jamaica", well, I've got no pearls of wisdom there.

Hey, technically speaking - would those be pearls before swine??

Chow for now!!

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