Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I have decided, after long and well-mulled consideration, to assist Justin Timberlake in his efforts. I'm going to help "bring sexy back".

I know, I know - where am I going to find the time, what with my hectic schedule and all? Well, I know this task won't be without sacrifice, but I think ultimately, "bringing sexy back" will benefit ALL of mankind, won't it??

To start, there's a few small changes I can make. It is spring after all, so my turtleneck sweaters should be heading deep back into the closet anyhow. My rayon sleeveless pullovers will now feature TWO, yes TWO undone buttons at the neck, allowing my chest hairs to playfully peek out. Sexy....

I have decided to purchase a new pair of jeans, just one pant size smaller. The result is obvious - sexy....

And hey, if Prince can wear high-heel platform shoes, why can't I (even at my current 6'2")???
I think the extra proportion can't help but bring a little sexy back, no??

This isn't a selfish thing. I really feel that just one man can't do the job himself. That has to be why he split up with Cameron Diaz - the task was just too overwhelming. Now, he can afford to relax a bit, maybe take the odd weekend off. I'll be doing what I can, and maybe all of you can do the same, out there in Readerland.

Think about it. If we all just wore something a little more flashy, a touch more clingy, we could all be helping fulfill Mr. Timberlake's goal of "bringing sexy back". I hope I don't cause any accidents, while I'm walking down the street in my high-heels and unbuttoned dress-shirt, but it's a price we may all have to accept, in this global effort.

Help "bring sexy back". Operators are standing by...

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Whre can I make a donation to keep That Dan Guy's Sexy back in the deepest recesses of a closet?

  2. Hey!!

    Seriously, this cause is bigger than all of us. We must band together, to be successful in this crucial attempt to bring "sexyback"...

    (PS - Congrats on the big anniversary! Is that: http://www.argyscollectibles.com)??

  3. Anonymous9:55 AM

    You are correct sir or http://www.argy.ca

  4. I couldn't have said it better myself...

    Now, excuse me, I'm trying out several new Speedo swimsuits for this summer....

    I WILL help "bring sexy back"!!
